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Advantages and Disadvantages of Grammar Checker

Technological development around the globe has brought in many software that has made academic writing easy for students; one such tool is the grammar checker. Once placed in a word processor, a free grammar checker has the power to detect the minutest errors, whether in the form of punctuation, spelling or anything else.

Advantages of grammar checkers

An online homework help provider highlights that adding a grammar checker extension in the web browser or Microsoft Word has multiple advantages. It allows the user to create beautifully written masterpieces in a few minutes. Here are some other advantages of using grammatical error detectors:

1. Time-Saving

Manual proofreading is time-consuming. Using grammatical tools saves time, especially for the busy bees who barely have time to rest. In addition, grammatical checkers rule out the task of consulting several books and vast libraries to find the errors in the written works. Most importantlyreduces looking for technical help to edit the content, saving time and money.

2. Improve Word Processor’s Functionality

Just like embedding a word processor with a free citation machine increases its worth, placing a grammar checker in the application also helps enhance the program's functionality. Thus, once a user checks his work while writing it, the grammar checker will underline the wrongly spelt word, sentence structure, or syntax, removing any potential error in the submitted document.

3. Conceptual Learning

All grammar checkers help students build a strong foundation in the language they create a paper. The application segments the entire writing into small parts. It helps to detect the grammatical and spelling errors throughout the documents and allows the user to revise and proofread them. Thus, this application is essential in enhancing a student's knowledge of English.

Disadvantages of Grammar Checker

Grammar checkers are built with artificial intelligence. Thus, it cannot process words with human intelligence. For example, if a student wants to check if a written idiom is correct, he cannot do it with a grammar checker. Nonetheless, the only other disadvantage of using this tool is:

1. Over Dependence

Most grammar checkers are user-friendly and have multiple advantages that students cannot ignore. But unfortunately, most students become dependent on the grammar checker’s intelligencefor editing their papers. Thus, they forget to use their brain or become lethargic to put that pressure on their brain. As a result, they become inactive.
Thus, like every application, using a grammar checker has many advantages and disadvantages. However, the benefits of using this application overcast its single drawback. However, it is debatable whether the disadvantage of using a grammar checker is an application error or a fault on the user's part.


AMA referencing generator follows the documentary-note style of citation where you include a superscript number to cite a source and provide the details in the reference list at the end of the paper. Now, students usually prefer an AMA citing generator to avoid the hassle of remembering the citation rules.

Hence, if a student wants to reduce his errors in writing and complete the editing process quickly, one must start using a grammar checker.


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