BLOCKS is a platform created in the “Blockchain for Entrepreneurs - a non-traditional Industry 4.0 curriculum for Higher Education” project.
Funded in 2018 by Erasmus+ Programme as a Strategic Partnership Project (2018-1-RO01-KA203-049510), BLOCKS creates a networked platform of collaboration on curriculum development for universities and companies in Romania, Italy, Latvia, Estonia and Greece to develop non-traditional, blended-learning courses, tailored for an Industry 4.0 world, focused on providing teachers, students and entrepreneurs with knowledge and skills on the blockchain.
The project identified critical skills and knowledge packs needed in the blockchain-powered economy and implement them in the curriculum of universities in a gamified, user-design oriented manner, tailored for various types of users.
The BLOCKS platform and its contents as of 2020 are the result of the project.
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© European Union, 2020