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The Best Way to Complete Restructure the Text

The Best Way to Complete Restructure the Text

How to do it? There are several ways. If the student is fluent in the word, then it will simply be necessary to paraphrase the text from literary sources in such a way that the result is a completely different document. To do this, you just need to take the original article or textbook, and then rewrite it in your own words. Another method that allows you to achieve the most effective result in raising originality is getting a custom paper from company. And this text will be the authors.


Most Anti-plagiarism programs check the text in parts, breaking it into verbal constructions and finding matches with sources. Therefore, you can change the structure of the document, i.e., swap individual paragraphs, sentences, words in sentences. Synonyms should be used as much as possible. Fortunately, in this sense, the English language is unique in its kind: almost every word has three or more synonyms. If in one sentence you replace several words with others that are similar in meaning, this will significantly increase the uniqueness, and sometimes bring the sentence to 100% originality.


The latest scientific papers or articles should be taken as the basis of your work, this will increase the chance that these sources have not yet been used when writing student papers by someone else. The use of foreign sources of information is effective, and writing companies such as research paper writing service is even more so. To do this, it is not necessary to know foreign languages, it is enough to use online translators. And then you just need to rewrite the text, observing the rules of the English language. And now you have a completely original work.


In order for the level of originality of the work to become higher, it is necessary to abandon the use of winged expressions and phraseological units, which greatly reduce the uniqueness. Verbatim citation of the authors of scientific papers and articles should be abandoned. It is usually stipulated that a properly formatted citation with a proper reference to the original source is not accepted by the anti-plagiarism program as plagiarism, but in practice, when checking the work by most such programs, such quoting is still recognized as non-unique text and reduces the originality of the work.


It is necessary to use introductory words and phrases, such as: “thus”, “primarily”, “of course”, “usually”, “and so”, “therefore”, “respectively”, “as a consequence of this”, “in as a result”, “it is obvious that”, “it is noteworthy that”, “it should be noted”, “we emphasize”, etc. This method will not only help to increase the uniqueness of the text, but also give the work a certain style: the reader will have a feeling of a truly author's view of the results of the study. The main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise the text of the work will look ridiculous. The most important thing in this matter is to observe how experts handle the appropriateness of the use of these verbal constructions.


Thus, the above are all honest methods to increase the level of originality of the work. Each of them requires only the ability to master the word and the desire to spend relatively little time. Using all these methods at the same time will help you write really good unique work.

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