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Cabal Alz Generatorl

Cabal Alz Generatorl



Cabal Alz Generatorl


There are a number of issues going on:

The Python code is using bytearray type to read the image data. You seem to be converting the image to an array of bytes. You'd be better off reading the file as a string, then using the b"..." unicode representation to represent each separate pixel as a series of 32bit integers (int(raw_data[i]) will give you this)
I'd be wary of using using bytearray.
The second issue you've found out is that Python's "zeroes" are actually 0xff, so your original solution works fine. In theory, the Python "magic value" defaults to 0, but 0xff can be coerced to 0 on any platform, because a byte is "as big as a machine word" (8 bits). So bytearray(0xff) == bytearray(0) (not an assignment statement, but just comparing that will work)
The str(x) also converts any Nones to 0xff. str(x) == str(x) == '0xff'

Since you already have Python 3, you might be better off using a Python 3ic approach
import imageio
with imageio.open("file.jpg") as image:
row = [int(i,16) for i in image.getdata()]

Also, if you're not doing any processing on the image, it makes sense to just store the raw data, and load it again when you're ready to convert it. By going through the imageio library to handle this you can save time and space. Or even if you're doing some manipulation, you'd still be storing the same data.


Can the KendoUI dropdownlist's selected item be modified before initializing/binding to a datasource?

I have a dropdownlist that has items that I like to set as the selected item when the viewmodel first loads. This seems to be working fine, but I'm noticing that the selected item doesn't update until after data-bind is invoked. I've looked at the documentation and seen nothing that indicates that this should be the case. Is there a way to update the selected item during the initial viewmodel binding or am I doing something wrong?


It is normal, if you edit the model on the server

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Cabal Alz Generatorl

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