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25 Essay Topics that You Can Consider for College Papers

25 Essay Topics that You Can Consider for College Papers

Essay topic and prompt selection is an intricate affair for the students. Many students seek essay help from professional experts as they are unable to pick a catchy and trending topic. It is also important that you choose a topic that offers a wide scope of discussion and about which you are enthusiastic.

Mentioned below are some topics that will set the ball rolling.  

1. The middle of the 20th century was the golden era for movies.

2. Students should have a say in the academic curriculum and courses

3. How can the new Covid strains be treated?

4. How did the Cosmos begin? Which theory is acceptable?

5. Impact of e-cars on the further technological development in the society

6. Positive reinforcements vs. Negative reinforcements

7. Should the theory proposed by Darwin be included in the academic curriculum?

8. People’s attitude towards modern art and literature

9. Are women exploiting the laws designed for their benefit?

10. How to prevent alcohol abuse among teenagers and college goers?

The topics stated above require in-depth research and authentic citations. If you are a novice, it is wise if you avail Custom essay help from professional experts. The writers will offer a clear insight into the subject matter and assignment help you secure exemplary grades.

11. How to bridge the gap between the poor and the rich owing to technological developments?

12. Anti-depressants have side-effects and should not be distributed?

13. Is a full-body scan at the airport a bit much?

14. Is Illuminati responsible for the chain of events across the world?

15. Risks of cyber-attack. How can you secure your digital footprint?

16. Implementation of laws in various states.

17. How to overcome stress in life?

18. Can science prove the existence of God?

19. Describe a day that did not go your way

20. Describe the experience when you were complimented by your idol

21. Book reading is still important for people of all age

22. If there is any character trait you would change, what would it be?

23. How to get rid of Egoism?

24. Online gamers are not professional athletes. Elaborate.

25. Steps that should be adopted to get rid of plagiarism.

These are some of the topics that you can consider. If you find the task to be daunting, you can seek custom essay help in the UK from experts.

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