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The Camera Raw features only work with RAW images from your camera, not JPEG images. Before you use the Camera Raw tool, you must open the image using Photoshop and move it to the Photo Bin or delete it.

* **Basic** (right-click on photo, open by choice of settings). This menu includes the standard brush settings, the Pen tool, the Text tool, the Lasso tool, and the Eraser tool.

You can find more about these tools in Chapter 6.

## Combining Layers to Build Up Effects

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When you first use Photoshop Elements, you will notice that it is laid out differently. Photoshop Elements is more compact and organized than standard Photoshop. Instead of working with a grid, layers, groups, etc, Elements works best when you organize your layers by level.


The usual file structure in Elements is more compact than in Photoshop. Instead of separate folders for layers, objects, images, etc, your image assets are divided into a small number of folders that group your files. Each folder contains layers, groups and other objects.

Folder Structure In Elements

**Note:** When you import an image to Elements, the original file is always saved within the Image\Original folder.

**In older versions of Photoshop Elements, the Element\Image Assets folder has replaced the File Name\Original folder within the Image\Original folder. In newer versions of Photoshop Elements, the original file and all of its layers are saved directly in the Image\Original folder.

Image Assets

The original name for a layer is Image Assets\Name of your layer. To create a new layer with the file Name.png, you open the Create new layer dialog box as described in Importing and editing your first image and follow the instructions to select the Text icon. Then you click the Create New layer button. The Layer will appear in the Layers panel on the left of the screen.

Image Assets

To move an image asset to a new folder, follow these steps:

• In the Layers panel, drag the image to the new folder.

• The image will move and become its own layer within that folder.

**Note:** If you export the image as a PDF or JPEG, it will not export a copy of the image within the image assets folder.


The Layers panel is the heart of the Photoshop Elements experience. Layers are critical tools because they are the basis for all of the editing that you will do.


• You can manage your layers with the Layers panel or by using Layer properties

• To move a layer, hold down the SHIFT key, select the layer, and drag it to a new location.

• To move an image layer that you have open, select the layer in the Layers panel, and then hold down the Ctrl key and drag the layer to a new location.

• To duplicate a layer, select the layer in

Download Air Brush For Photoshop

Other tools that are commonly used in Photoshop include:
The Marquee tool is used to select areas of an image to edit.
The Lasso tool is used to select an area of an image and create a new selection.
The Magic Wand tool is used to select an area of an image.
The Pencil tool is used to draw or erase shapes within an image.

Photoshop is split into two parts: the desktop program and the online subscription service Photoshop Creative Cloud. The desktop program includes three main tools:

The first is the main application window. This allows you to do most of the Photoshop editing actions.
The second is the History panel. You can use this to track all of your changes. You can use the History panel to undo, redo, or reverse any changes.
The third is the Adjustments Panel. You can use this to adjust your images.

The online Photoshop Creative Cloud program is a completely separate application that has some of the same tools as the desktop program but different tools.

Photoshop is available for Mac and Windows as well as the mobile apps for iPad, iPhone, and Android tablets.

Much of Photoshop's power comes from its effects tools. Effects can be added to the main Photoshop window and then use the History and Adjustments Panels to reverse and redo your changes.

Photoshop is a great tool, but it can also be a challenging one. You will find that the most common use of Photoshop is to retouch images, and the most common techniques you will use are the Clone Stamp and Brush tools.

Basic Photoshop Tools

The tools and features available in Photoshop are constantly growing and changing. Because of this, the following explanations are general and can help you learn about Photoshop and its many tools.

Photoshop has a variety of tools for editing images. Many of these tools are grouped under the name of 'effects'. They are also available when you open other image types, like Word or PDF documents.

Photoshop also has a set of tools that will let you draw in the foreground of an image. These tools are called the Pencil tool or Pen tool. You can use these tools to draw directly over any other layer in your image. You can draw across one layer, multiple layers, or even into the image itself.

You can also use the normal Photoshop tools, like the Lasso tool, Color range, and Marquee tools, to create new layers or new selections.

What's New in the?

Earlier this week, Nikon revealed its upcoming flagship full-frame mirrorless camera, the D5. The company is breaking from its recent tradition of attaching a 35mm full-frame lens to their new cameras by equipping the D5 with a 24-70mm f/1.8 lens.

This announcement has raised some eyebrows, and of course let’s start with the fact that the D5 will not have in-body image stabilization. Nikon has made it clear that the D5 will have the same, or better resolution as the full-frame DSLRs. But what does this mean? What about the 24-70mm f/1.8 is noteworthy?

Let’s take a look:

It’s said that Nikon’s 24-70mm f/1.8 is the widest-angle prime lens that Nikon has ever manufactured. The fact that it’s the widest-angle lens with a f/1.8 aperture on a full-frame camera isn’t very new, but it is noteworthy because of the low price point.

There are only a few other f/1.8 lenses available, with the Sigma 28mm f/1.8 being the most recent. Sigma makes some amazing lenses, but the fact that they’re f/1.8 is a little disappointing. That’s because the 50mm f/1.8 and the 35mm f/1.8 are arguably the most popular lenses in the world. And one of the most requested lenses among Nikonians, the 24-120 f/4 is still a bit too expensive at $1199 and still doesn’t compare in image quality.

If you want the f/1.8 at a bargain price, you have to go for the Nikon 24-70mm f/2.8 AF-S. When I took that lens out for the first time, I couldn’t believe how good of a piece of glass it is. It has Nikon’s legendary build quality, but without the glass. For just $379.99, the 24-70mm f/2.8 is clearly the best choice.

It’s a bit ironic that Nikon is working on a $1399 full-frame camera when they offer a $379.99 f/2.8 lens. Can we really expect that Nikon will come out with a 4-5 f/1.8 lens

System Requirements For Download Air Brush For Photoshop:

Hard Disk: 45 GB
Backup: 10GB
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Gamepad Support
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