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Xpunge Crack  Serial Key Download PC/Windows (2022)

Xpunge Crack Serial Key Download PC/Windows (2022)

Xpunge is a lightweight Thunderbird add-on that helps you empty trash and junk folders and enables you to compact them from multiple accounts.
By default, Thunderbird alows you to do these operations only for a single account and through separate entries either in the File menu or in the context menu which require a considerable number of steps.
Functionality is available through an "Xpunge" menu added to Thunderbird's "Tools" menu.
Moreover, there is a separately configurable timer feature that allows processing of multiple accounts to be done automatically at a specific time every day and at regular intervals from the time Thunderbird is started.









Xpunge Crack + With Registration Code Free Download [Latest 2022]

Xpunge enables users to empty their trash and junk folders from multiple accounts and to compact those folders from multiple accounts in one single operation through an add-on menu in the menu bar or in the context menu of the Edit menu (or through the "Xpunge" menu).
Optionally, the add-on can process multiple accounts daily at a specific time or at regular intervals.
The add-on is multilingual and has German, English, French and Italian versions.
When running Thunderbird, the user has to select the account he wishes to process from a drop-down menu, which gets populated dynamically with the names of the accounts:

The filtering menu allows the user to choose which groups of items he wants to process, such as all imported mails, all newsletters, all newsletters categorized by newsletter group, all threads of multigroups or even all messages stored in the trash or junk folder.
The "Xpunge" menu contains a link to a configuration tool to fine tune the add-on and, after having configured the add-on for your needs, delete it if you are finished.

Xpunge also provides a column to display the latest messages.

Independently of whether the user uses this add-on's functionality or not, the user's trash and junk folders become compacted each time the user restarts the application, without having to run a separate application such as Winzip or Stuffit.
There are not many add-ons that add a feature to Thunderbird that does not have serious drawbacks.
Unlike Thunderbird's trash and junk functionality, Xpunge has none of them.

Known problems and limitations:

Xpunge does not compact the Imaps accounts and does not create a backup before compaction.
If you encounter any problems while using Xpunge, please use the troubleshooting guide provided below to help you to solve your problem.
If that does not help, please check if the problem is already reported to the addon's developers.
Otherwise, please add a note with the information we need to locate the source of the problem.
Please specify the exact version of the add-on you are using.

If you have any other questions about Xpunge, don't hesitate to ask in the forum at forums.xprunge.ch.

Troubleshooting guide:

Please restart your computer after installing Xpunge to update the configuration of the addon.
Please use the

Xpunge Crack

Xpunge is a lightweight, free add-on for Thunderbird which lets you empty trash and junk folders, and compact them, for multiple accounts. To empty trash and compact trash using Xpunge,

You need to do a "Compact Trash" operation on each account that has trash or junk folders.
You also need to empty trash and compact junk folders separately for each account.

This will effectively remove trash and junk folders for all the multiple accounts.
Xpunge Functionality

When you select the Xpunge menu icon, the following displays:

Contacts : The contacts for the selected account are loaded as a tree. The filter feature lets you find the folders or the messages that you want to compact.

Users : This icon is used to find Xpunge trash folders for multiple accounts. Users is an icon tree, which means that you can select folders for individual accounts. There is a "Compact all user trash compacts" button in the lower right corner.

Search : Click this icon to search the trash folders for specific words in the names of the folders.


Creating the Xpunge Menu:

Click "Preferences" in the "Tools" menu of Thunderbird and click on "Options".

Click on "Add-Ons"

Click on "Add a Second Add-On".

A dialog box opens up. Click "Add" to add the Xpunge menu.

Name the Xpunge menu "Xpunge" or any other name you want. For this example, we will call it "Xpunge"

Click "OK" to save the preferences.


After installation, right-click on the Xpunge menu icon in Thunderbird tool bar.

The menu items are as follows:

Compact trash : This opens the "Compact trash" dialog box for the account where the icon is clicked.

Empty Trash : Opens the "Empty trash" dialog box for the account where the icon is clicked.

Xpunge will now detect the trash folders for all the accounts for which you have configured it. There is a "Scan" button in the lower left corner for this. Click it to scan and detect trash and compact trash folders for all accounts.

When there are none, Xpunge will notify you and prompt you to run the Compact for each account.


Xpunge Crack [Mac/Win]

Xpunge is a lightweight Thunderbird add-on that helps you empty trash and junk folders and enables you to compact them from multiple accounts.
By default, Thunderbird alows you to do these operations only for a single account and through separate entries either in the File menu or in the context menu which require a considerable number of steps.

Functionality is available through an "Xpunge" menu added to Thunderbird's "Tools" menu.
Moreover, there is a separately configurable timer feature that allows processing of multiple accounts to be done automatically at a specific time every day and at regular intervals from the time Thunderbird is started.
If you want to use this addon, you need to download and add the Thunderbird add-on at the following website:

Installation Instructions:

Download the add-on here:

Extract the add-on archive and move both the _xpunge.xpi and the _xpunge.xml files into the Thunderbird Add-on folder in the following path:

C:\Users\Your Name\AppData\Roaming\Thunderbird\Profiles\

You can double-click the _xpunge.xpi to install the add-on.
You need to restart Thunderbird to make changes take effect.

Modification Instructions:

Read the instructions in the readme_xpunge.htm file inside the _xpunge.xpi archive to learn about the usage of the add-on.

For the explanation of commands, you can also read the Readme-Xpunge.txt file from the _xpunge.xpi archive.
A Fork In the Road

Yesterday I had a tough dilemma to solve. I felt guilty for all the sleeping I did last week. I also felt like I was going to vomit more than once. But the worst part was, how was I going to convince Marcus to share with me?

Marcus was just like the other guys. He didn't want to share his mom's food. He didn't want to help with the dishes. He also didn't want to share the bathroom. He had even put a stop sign up in his room when he got back from school. He didn't want any dealings with anyone.

What's New in the Xpunge?

Xpunge: thunderbird addon to delete a bunch of folders (and compacts them afterwards)
Xpunge installer and screenshots
Xpunge Installation, FAQ and Help:
Xpunge's installation wizard can be launched from Tools>Add-ons>Install Addon... menu item.
Please be aware that Xpunge installer displays an error dialog box after launching the wizard and clicking Next button.
If you are prompted with a "GameStop Inc. does not allow you to install this add-on" error during the wizard launch, please try to update your java version from Tools>Add-ons>Java version.
If you successfully launched the Xpunge installer, please read the FAQ and Help pages below.
Xpunge might be installed automatically along with thunderbird if you have a thunderbird profile in your home folder or in one of the places below:
$ thunderbird -ProfileManager
/home/user/.mozilla///Local Settings/
/home/user/.mozilla///Local Settings/Application Data/
/home/user/.mozilla///Local Settings/Startup/
In case you would like to customize Xpunge's behavior, please review the default values below.
Xpunge Folder Xplorer (Settings)
Xpunge FAQ
The FAQ section is divided into the following subsections:
- About this addon
- Features
- Configuration
- Troubleshooting
- About
Xpunge About This Add-on
The Xpunge addon is called Folder Xplorer and was created to make trash and junk folders less cluttered and easy to manage.
This addon greatly simplifies and eases the process of organizing your Thunderbird mail boxes.
It was written in summer 2011 by Marco Torres and can be downloaded from the Xpunge source website.
Xpunge Features
The Xpunge addon provides a variety of features that make your life much easier.
These features include the following:
- fast and easy trash and junk folder management
- fast and easy compaction


System Requirements For Xpunge:

Minimum Requirements:
OS: Mac OS 10.7 or later
Processor: 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Storage: 16 GB available space
DVD drive or USB compatible drive
Download Page:
Current Versions
Revision 2.5.0
Added several additional e-books to the store. All books include a series of video tutorials which will teach you how to use each of


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