15 Kursi
This online course on research methods is designed for young researchers at The Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE).
It falls under ASE institutional support to boost research excellence, as ASE is an HR Excellence in Research Awardee.
The course covers the basics of research, including the scientific method, research design, and data collection techniques. The course also covers quantitative and qualitative research methods, mixed methods research, data analysis techniques, research ethics, research proposal writing, research project management, and research presentation.
Upon completing the course, students will have a comprehensive understanding of research methods and the skills necessary to conduct research effectively.
The course is also provided in Romanian.
This course is meant for MMIB students enrolled in Year 1. It may, however, be used by students and teachers (we would appreciate you mentioning Project FOReSiGHT and the BLOCKS Platform).
It is in collaboration with SAS ASE (Societatea Antreprenoriala Studenteasca) and is part of the Start-ups and Scale-ups Module. The module comprises two courses: Entrepreneurship and Innovation in a Regional Context and Data Analysis for PE and VC.
Cover image created with DALL-E.
Acest curs, în limba română, în colaborare cu Societatea Antreprenorială Studențească din cadrul Academiei de Studii Economice din București, este destinat participanților la GoBiz Bootcamp.
El poate fi însă utilizat de orice antreprenor interesant de un mic îndrumar referitor la un pitch în față unor investitori.
You may download here the deliverables of Project FOReSiGHT in English.
Also, versions in Romanian, German, Italian, and Croatian for Curricula and the FOReSiGHT Toolkit.
The course "The Use of Foresight Scenarios" guides learners through the process of creating, testing, and evaluating expectations for future events.
Participants may develop a deep understanding of how to anticipate and plan for changes and outcomes, and most particularly gain the tools to accurately anticipate changes and plan ahead for any situation.
The course is part of our FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Digital Transformation Skills.
This course provides an anthropological perspective on the role of Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Automation (IA) in our communities.
It covers topics such as the history of AI, the implications of its widespread adoption, and the implications for social, economic, and political systems.
The course explores how AI and IA are transforming individuals and communities, and how this will shape the future of society.
The course is part of our FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Intelligent Automation (IA) Skills.
This course will explore the ways in which technology is transforming our society and how digital archivists are playing a role in this transformation.
It will cover topics such as the history of technology and robots in shaping the world, from medieval automata to the mythical Golem, the impact of digital media, the ethics of archiving data, and strategies for preserving digital history.
The course will provide insights into how digital archivists are creating an archive of information that will shape our future, while preserving the cultural identity of humans in a world that has always been fascinated by robots.
The course is part of our FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Intelligent Automation (IA) Skills.
What will you study during our Intensive Study Programme - Summer?
Topics: Fundamentals of Intelligent Automatic / Digital transformation + Specific use cases in + Exercises to develop foresight abilities and understand resilience
Upon successful completion of this intensive program, participants will be able to do the following:
* Understand the concepts of intelligent automation
* Apply learnings in foresight exercises about new tech in business
* Integrate the concepts of intelligent automation in business cases
* Make decisions related to the digital transformation of a specific use case using intelligent automation
* Present and communicate critically ideas related to the intelligent automation and the way they transform the business world
* Develop a long-term Digital Transformation strategy and vision for a company based on intelligent automation use cases.
What will you study during our Intensive Study Programme - Spring?
Topics: Fundamentals of Algorithmic Governance/ Digital transformation + Specific use cases in + Exercises to develop foresight abilities and understand resilience
Upon successful completion of this intensive program, participants will be able to do the following:
* Understand the concepts of algorithmic governance
* Apply learnings in foresight exercises about new tech in business and public administration
* Integrate the concepts of algorithmic governance in business cases
* Make decisions related to the digital transformation of a specific use case using algorithmic governance principles
* Present and communicate critically ideas related to the algorithmic governance and the way they transform the business world
* Develop a long-term Digital Transformation strategy and vision for a company based on algorithmic governance use cases.
Assessment: Participants will be assessed based on the following:
– participation
– a team project on designing resilience within an organisation that uses digital strategy / algorithmic governance principles / automation / AI
– Badges earned prior and during the Programmes on the BLOCKS Platform.
In this course you may find the BLOCKS City Games in the following languages
- English
- Romanian
- Estonian
- Latvian
- Italian
- Greek
If you are interested in the BLOCKS Survival Game, please refer to the dedicated course.
Find all the intellectual outputs created in project BLOCKS here, except the course contents.
That part may be found throughout this platform.
For more details about the project, check out projectblocks.ro
This course presents the BLOCKS Survival Game - a board game meant to be used for your own fun to explain basic blockchain concepts.
In this course we will discover the wide range of possibilities that students and teachers have nowadays to learn and teach better.
This brief course covers in a few topics the narrative of blockchain.
It talks about the way this technology is perceived as a solution for societal trust issues.
It does so by introducing concepts from philosophy, political science, media culture and literature to talk about blockchain.
Un’applicazione della crittografia e dalla hashing è la firma digitale. La firma digitale è uno strumento che permette ad un soggetto di firmare dei documenti facendoli diventare documenti con valore legale.
Oltre alla firma digitale, in questo corso vedremo nel dettaglio gli smart contract e i loro applicazioni concrete.
This „course” is dedicated to the BLOCKS Summer School 2021. It is private and can be accessed just by participants and tutors to the Summer School.