9 Cursuri
Macroeconomic oriented
Algorithmic Governance - Advanced is an advanced course that covers topics related to the principles, practice, and technology of applying computer algorithms to decisions and decisions-making processes in government and public policy. The course explores topics such as artificial intelligence, data-driven governance, computational decision-making, and automated resource management for primarily urban policy makers.
The course also offers a reading list with books and articles relevant to the topic.
The course image was created with OpenAI's DALL-E from the prompt "an oil painting of intelligent automation by Hieronymous Bosch, digital art"
The course is part of our FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Algorithmic Governance Skills.
Macroeconomic oriented
This course is aimed at providing the basics of algorithmic governance. It explores the impacts of digital technological shifts on government and policymaking. This course covers topics such as automated resource management, data-driven decision-making, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.
The webinar by Zitec's Lucian Andrei provides in-depth insights into the challenges and opportunities associated with algorithmic governance.
The course also offers a reading list with books and articles relevant to the topic.
The course is part of our FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Algorithmic Governance Skills.
Macroeconomic oriented
Developing digital tech ecosystems is a course that examines the principles and strategies for creating effective and efficient digital technology ecosystems.
The course covers topics such as business process design, data sharing, platform interoperability, and open innovation.
Participants will gain an understanding of the challenges and opportunities associated with developing digital tech ecosystems, and learn how to implement effective strategies for success.
The webinar provides practical advice on how to create a collaborative ecosystem with maximum impact and success.
The course is part of our FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Algorithmic Governance Skills.
Macroeconomic oriented
This course will provide an introduction to Algorithmic Governance and the EU's approach to Artificial Intelligence.
It will cover topics such as AI regulatory frameworks, ethical principles for AI, and how machine learning algorithms can be effectively utilized in public policy making.
The course will demonstrate the application of algorithmic governance in addressing global challenges posed by AI.
The course is part of our FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Algorithmic Governance Skills.
Macroeconomic oriented
Guvernare algoritmică - Avansat este un curs avansat care acoperă subiecte legate de principiile, practica și tehnologia aplicării algoritmilor informatici la deciziile și procesele de luare a deciziilor în guvern și politici publice. Cursul explorează subiecte precum inteligența artificială, guvernarea bazată pe date, luarea deciziilor computaționale și gestionarea automată a resurselor pentru factorii de decizie urbani în primul rând.
Cursul oferă, de asemenea, o listă de lectură cu cărți și articole relevante pentru subiect.
Imaginea cursului a fost creată cu DALL-E de la OpenAI din promptul „an oil painting of intelligent automation by Hieronymous Bosch, digital art”
Cursul face parte din FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Algorithmic Governance Skills.
Cryptocurrency is the first important application of blockchain. In this course, you will have the chance to discover different types of cryptocurrencies and how they work.
La prima importante applicazione blockchain è la criptovaluta.
Una criptovaluta è una valuta progettata per non avere una proprietà centrale, tutte le transazioni vengono criptate in modo univoco.
In questo corso vedremo nel dettaglio come funzionano le transazioni e i diversi tipi di cryptovalute.
Macroeconomic oriented
This intermediate course covers aspects related to blockchain in finance, from banking to payments to national banks.
Topics covered in this course refer to the blockchain impact on :
There is also a dedicated course, Industry-oriented, focused on Blockchain in banking. Trade finance is also covered in depth in the Blockchain in International Trade intermediate course.
Macroeconomic oriented
This introductory course presents basic elements related to cryptocurrencies and the link they have to a national economy.
Topics covered:
- what is a cryptocurrency
- what are the uses of a cryptocurrency
- comparison to a fiat currency
- risks associated to cryptocurrencies
For a more in-depth analysis regarding Blockchain in Finance, refer to that course in the same section.