23 Courses
Technical oriented
This online course equips learners with the skills to design effective prompts for AI models. You'll learn the fundamentals of AI responses, principles of prompt design, and advanced techniques for eliciting specific responses. The course covers designing prompts for complex tasks, ethical considerations in prompt design, and future trends in prompt engineering.
The course image was created with OpenAI's DALL-E from the prompt ”prompt engineering - photorealistic image”.
The course is part of our FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Intelligent Automation (IA) Skills.
Technical oriented
The course "A Foresight Toolkit" offers learners a comprehensive look at the various aspects of forecasting, anticipating, and preparing for potential future events.
Participants will learn how to harness the power of machine learning and artificial intelligence to gain valuable insights into forthcoming changes.
The course is part of our FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Digital Transformation Skills.
Technical oriented
In this cutting-edge online course, delve into the dynamic realm of intelligent automation and discover how it empowers businesses to streamline processes, enhance productivity, and foster innovation.
Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the key components of intelligent automation, including robotic process automation (RPA), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML), and their seamless integration to optimize workflows.
The course is part of our FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Intelligent Automation (IA) Skills.
Technical oriented
This course is an introduction to the world of intelligent automation and how it can be used to optimize business processes.
It will cover topics such as advances in automation technology, process modelling and optimisation, and how automated decisions can be implemented in a real-world setting.
The course provides insights into how AI-driven automation can help organizations increase efficiency and reduce costs.
The course is part of our FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Intelligent Automation (IA) Skills.
Technical oriented
This online course on Data Science provides a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental principles, tools, and methodologies that underpin the rapidly evolving field of data analysis and interpretation.
Designed for learners with diverse backgrounds, this course aims to equip participants with essential skills to harness the power of data and transform it into actionable insights.
From understanding data types and formats to employing statistical techniques and data visualization tools, students will gain a solid foundation in data manipulation and analysis.
By the course's end, students will have acquired the necessary expertise to navigate the ever-expanding data landscape, making them adept data practitioners prepared to tackle challenges across various industries and disciplines.
The course is part of our FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Digital Transformation Skills.
Technical oriented
This course provides an introduction to foresight tools and skills, with a focus on data as representation.
It covers topics such as data literacy, data analysis techniques, and data visualization.
The webinar course how data can be used to assess current trends and anticipate future ones, helping to identify opportunities and create innovative solutions.
The course is part of our FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Digital Transformation Skills.
Technical oriented
This course offers a comprehensive exploration of the fundamental principles, techniques, and applications of AI.
Participants will gain insights into machine learning, neural networks, natural language processing, and computer vision, alongside understanding their practical implications.
The course is part of our FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Algorithmic Governance Skills.
Technical oriented
This course will provide an introduction to the rise of deep learning models in Artificial Intelligence.
It will cover topics such as the fundamentals of deep learning, the current state-of-the-art deep learning architectures, and how to implement these models in practice.
The webinar will also demonstrate the application of deep learning models to real-world problems.
The course is part of our FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Intelligent Automation (IA) Skills.
Technical oriented
This course introduces personalization in the era of Artificial Intelligence, focusing on recommender systems.
It covers topics such as collaborative filtering and content-based approaches, methods for data mining and understanding user preferences, and designing effective user experiences.
The course explores how recommender systems can be used to create personalized services for users and enable better decision making.
The course is part of our FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Intelligent Automation (IA) Skills.
Technical oriented
Acest curs online echipează cursanții cu abilitățile de a crea indicații eficiente pentru modele AI.
Veți învăța elementele de bază ale răspunsurilor AI, principiile de proiectare promptă și tehnici avansate pentru a obține răspunsuri specifice.
Cursul acoperă proiectarea de solicitări pentru sarcini complexe, considerente etice în proiectarea promptă și tendințele viitoare în inginerie promptă.
Imaginea cursului a fost creată cu DALL-E de la OpenAI din promptul „prompt engineering - photorealistic image”.
Cursul face parte din FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Intelligent Automation (IA) Skills.
Technical oriented
Ovaj tečaj je uvod u svijet inteligentne automatizacije i kako se ona može koristiti za optimizaciju poslovnih procesa.
Pokrivat će teme kao što su napredak u tehnologiji automatizacije, modeliranje i optimizacija procesa te kako se automatizirane odluke mogu implementirati u stvarnom okruženju.
Tečaj pruža uvid u to kako automatizacija vođena umjetnom inteligencijom može pomoći organizacijama da povećaju učinkovitost i smanje troškove.
Tečaj je dio našeg FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Intelligent Automation (IA) Skills.
Technical oriented
Questo corso online sulla scienza dei dati fornisce un'introduzione completa ai principi, agli strumenti e alle metodologie fondamentali che sono alla base del campo in rapida evoluzione dell'analisi e dell'interpretazione dei dati.
Progettato per studenti con background diversi, questo corso mira a fornire ai partecipanti le competenze essenziali per sfruttare la potenza dei dati e trasformarli in informazioni fruibili.
Dalla comprensione dei tipi e dei formati dei dati all'utilizzo di tecniche statistiche e strumenti di visualizzazione dei dati, gli studenti acquisiranno solide basi nella manipolazione e nell'analisi dei dati.
Alla fine del corso, gli studenti avranno acquisito le competenze necessarie per navigare nel panorama dei dati in continua espansione, diventando abili professionisti dei dati pronti ad affrontare le sfide in vari settori e discipline.
Il corso fa parte del nostro FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Digital Transformation Skills.
The course is designed while keeping in view the sociotechnical domain of blockchain technology and its applicability in different disciplines such as finance, commerce, computer science, ICT, cryptography, distributed systems, cybersecurity, systems scalability, new innovative business models and start-up culture and so on. The objective of the course is to prepare students, Ph.D. candidates and professionals/teacher benefiting from their diverse and broad backgrounds and to provide a holistic analysis of blockchain technology, smart contracts, and digital currency systems, applications, and services. Moreover, the course is also prepared to develop a solid understanding of abstracting the essential structure, recognizing the sources of uncertainty, and applying appropriate state of art models and technical tools from blockchain environment to develop different solutions for the market.
This topic is addressed to both economic and non-economic students, providing them a holistic analysis of the cryptocurrency market by correlating the financial data with cryptography concepts.
The course is structured into seven modules focused on the cryptocurrency market analysis, Bitcoin trading and mining, altcoins and stablecoins, offering the necessary tools to understand blockchain applications through smart contracts, wallets, keys and addresses. The final section includes a short quiz to fix the key concepts explained in each module, creating the knowledge foundations for those that are interested in understanding the blockchain technology potential.
The course will equip students with sufficient skills and knowledge for explaining the current developments of the market, analyzing the main tendencies registred by the most active cryptocurrencies and connecting finance and computer science to emphasize the blockchain potential for the financial sector.
Acest curs, în limba română, se concentrează pe elemente detaliate despre smart contracts, cu focus pe tranzacțiile pe Ethereum and limbajul Solidity.
În acest modul, veți învăța elementele de bază ale elementelor criptografice utilizate de tehnologia blockchain, precum și principalele utilizări ale tehnologiei blockchain în securitatea cibernetică. Modulul se adresează atât specialiștilor IT, cât și non-specialiștilor.