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31 Μαθήματα

Mastering Digital Marketing Strategy - A Crash Course For Beginners
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Mastering Digital Marketing Strategy - A Crash Course For Beginners

Mastering Digital Marketing Strategy. A Crash Course For Beginners is a course, delivered by ZITEC's Roxana David, that provides an in-depth overview of digital marketing strategies. 

The course covers topics such as search engine optimization, social media marketing, content marketing, and search engine marketing. 

It provides participants with an understanding of the different digital marketing channels, tools and techniques for developing and executing successful campaigns. Participants will gain insights into the challenges and opportunities of optimally leveraging the digital marketing strategy to maximize ROI.

The course is part of our FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Digital Transformation Skills

Digital transformation: challenges and opportunities for digital acceleration
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Digital transformation: challenges and opportunities for digital acceleration

This course provides an overview of the challenges and opportunities in digital transformation. 

It covers topics such as the current state of digital transformation, the implications for businesses, and strategies for effective and efficient digital acceleration. 

The course discusses real-world examples of successful digital transformations and how to leverage technology to achieve digital success.

The course is part of our FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Digital Transformation Skills. 

Algorithmic Governance for Business - Advanced
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Algorithmic Governance for Business - Advanced

Algorithmic Governance for Business - Advanced is an advanced course that explores the application of computer algorithms to decisions and decision-making processes in businesses. The course covers topics such as data-driven governance, artificial intelligence, machine learning, automated resource management, and computational decision-making. Participants will gain critical insights into the challenges and opportunities associated with algorithmic governance in business.

The course refers to dynamic ecosystems as a potential business application for algorithmic governance and uses Haier as a case study. 

The course image was created with OpenAI's DALL-E from the prompt "an oil painting of intelligent automation by Hieronymous Bosch, digital art"

The course also offers a reading list with books and articles relevant to the topic. 

The course is part of our FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Algorithmic Governance Skills

Transitioning from Intelligent Automation to Artificial Intelligence. Lessons from top performers
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Transitioning from Intelligent Automation to Artificial Intelligence. Lessons from top performers

In this cutting-edge online course, "Transitioning from Intelligent Automation to Artificial Intelligence: Lessons from Top Performers," you will explore the crucial journey of moving beyond basic automation towards harnessing the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI). 

Drawing insights from industry-leading experts and successful AI implementations, this course will equip you with the knowledge and strategies to seamlessly navigate the transition, identifying key challenges, opportunities, and best practices. 

You will learn to effectively integrate advanced AI technologies, such as machine learning and natural language processing, into your organization's processes, enabling you to drive innovation, efficiency, and competitive advantage. 

The course is part of our FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Intelligent Automation (IA) Skills.

Digital Maturity - A digital transformation fundamental concept
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Digital Maturity - A digital transformation fundamental concept

Digital Maturity - A digital transformation fundamental concept is a course that examines the concept of digital maturity and how it relates to digital transformation. 

The course covers topics such as digital process optimization, data analysis, technological alignment, and customer experience management. 

Participants will gain an understanding of the challenges and opportunities associated with digital transformations and learn how to measure and develop their organization's digital maturity. 

The webinar provides practical strategies and tools for successful implementation.

The course is part of our FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Digital Transformation Skills

Digital Product Design
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Digital Product Design

Digital Product Design is a course that provides a comprehensive overview of digital product design. 

The course covers topics such as user experience design, prototyping, research methods, and design thinking.

Participants will gain an understanding of the principles and strategies behind digital product design and learn how to create effective and successful products. 

It provides practical advice on how to plan, develop, and test digital products for maximum impact and success.

The course is part of our FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Digital Transformation Skills. 

Risk Management in Industry x.0
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Risk Management in Industry x.0

In this comprehensive online course on Risk Management in Industry X.0, participants will delve into the intricacies of risk management in the context of digital transformation. 

The course explores the challenges and opportunities that arise from Industry X.0, with a specific focus on risk management in the domains of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Intelligent Automation (IA), and algorithmic governance.

 Participants will gain a thorough understanding of identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks associated with emerging technologies and data-driven decision-making processes, enabling them to make informed and effective risk management strategies in the rapidly evolving landscape of Industry X.0.

The course is part of our FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Digital Transformation Skills. 

Intelligent Automation for Managers
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Intelligent Automation for Managers

In this comprehensive program, you will gain a deep understanding of cutting-edge automation technologies and their strategic implementation to streamline processes, enhance productivity, and drive business growth. 

Explore the foundations of artificial intelligence and machine learning, alongside robotic process automation, natural language processing, and cognitive computing. 

Develop the skills to identify automation opportunities, assess feasibility, and lead successful automation projects within your organization. 

By the end of the course, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and tools to harness the power of intelligent automation, enabling you to make informed decisions that optimize workflows and unlock new levels of efficiency and innovation across your business.

The course is part of our FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Intelligent Automation (IA) Skills.

Digital Transformation for Managers
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Digital Transformation for Managers

In this program, you will explore the critical concepts, strategies, and best practices necessary to navigate and drive successful digital transformation initiatives within your organization. 

From identifying opportunities for digital disruption to fostering a culture of innovation, this course will equip you with the knowledge and tools to effectively lead your team towards embracing digital transformation, ensuring your organization stays competitive in today's rapidly evolving business environment.

The course is part of our FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Digital Transformation Skills.

Algorithmic Governance for Managers
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Algorithmic Governance for Managers

This online course equips managers with a comprehensive understanding of algorithmic governance principles. 

Participants will delve into the intricate interplay between technology and decision-making processes within modern organizations. 

The course imparts knowledge on designing, implementing, and overseeing algorithmic systems, emphasizing transparency, accountability, and ethical considerations. 

By the course's conclusion, participants will be adept at navigating the challenges and opportunities associated with algorithmic governance in their managerial roles, fostering informed and responsible decision-making.

The course is part of our FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Algorithmic Governance Skills

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Kursbeschreibung: Change Management - In diesem Online-Kurs werden die grundlegenden Konzepte und Strategien des Change Managements vermittelt. Die Teilnehmer werden eingeführt in die Analyse von Veränderungen, die Identifizierung von Herausforderungen und die Entwicklung effektiver Lösungsansätze. Der Kurs behandelt bewährte Methoden zur erfolgreichen Planung, Implementierung und Steuerung von Veränderungsprozessen in Organisationen. 

Den Wandel proaktiv zu gestalten und organisatorische Widerstände zu überwinden. Dieser Kurs richtet sich an Führungskräfte, Projektmanager und alle, die in ihrer beruflichen Laufbahn mit Veränderungsprozessen konfrontiert sind und ihre Fähigkeiten im Change Management weiterentwickeln möchten.

Der Kurs ist Teil unseres FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Digital Transformation Skills

HR_Digitalna transformacija -  izazovi i mogućnosti
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HR_Digitalna transformacija - izazovi i mogućnosti

Ovaj tečaj je uvod u svijet digitalne transformacije i kako se ona može koristiti u stvarnom okruženju.

Ova rečenica obuhvaća bit digitalne transformacije, koja je proces korištenja digitalnih tehnologija za promjenu načina na koji organizacija funkcionira. Tečaj će pokriti širok raspon tema, uključujući:

- Utjecaj digitalnih tehnologija na poslovanje

- Različite faze digitalne transformacije

- Ključni izazovi i zamke digitalne transformacije

- Alati i tehnike za upravljanje digitalnom transformacijom

Tečaj pruža uvid u to kako digitalna transformacija može pomoći organizacijama da povećaju učinkovitost i smanje troškove.

Tečaj je dio našeg FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Digital Transformation Skills

RO_Transformare digitala pentru Manageri
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RO_Transformare digitala pentru Manageri

În acest program, veți explora conceptele critice, strategiile și cele mai bune practici necesare pentru a naviga și a conduce inițiative de succes de transformare digitală în cadrul organizației dvs.

De la identificarea oportunităților de perturbare digitală până la promovarea unei culturi a inovației, acest curs vă va dota cu cunoștințele și instrumentele necesare pentru a vă conduce în mod eficient echipa către îmbrățișarea transformării digitale, asigurându-vă că organizația dumneavoastră rămâne competitivă în mediul de afaceri de astăzi care evoluează rapid.

Cursul face parte din FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Digital Transformation Skills.

DE_Algorithmische Governance für Manager
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DE_Algorithmische Governance für Manager

Dieser Online-Kurs vermittelt Managern ein umfassendes Verständnis der Prinzipien der algorithmischen Governance.

Die Teilnehmer befassen sich mit dem komplexen Zusammenspiel von Technologie und Entscheidungsprozessen in modernen Organisationen.

Der Kurs vermittelt Wissen über den Entwurf, die Implementierung und die Überwachung algorithmischer Systeme, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf Transparenz, Verantwortlichkeit und ethischen Überlegungen liegt.

Am Ende des Kurses werden die Teilnehmer in der Lage sein, die Herausforderungen und Chancen, die mit algorithmischer Governance in ihrer Führungsrolle verbunden sind, zu meistern und eine fundierte und verantwortungsvolle Entscheidungsfindung zu fördern.

Der Kurs ist Teil unseres FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Algorithmic Governance Skills

DE_Intelligente Automatisierung für Manager
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DE_Intelligente Automatisierung für Manager

In diesem umfassenden Programm erwerben Sie ein tiefes Verständnis für modernste Automatisierungstechnologien und deren strategische Implementierung, um Prozesse zu rationalisieren, die Produktivität zu steigern und das Geschäftswachstum voranzutreiben.

Entdecken Sie die Grundlagen von künstlicher Intelligenz und maschinellem Lernen sowie robotergestützter Prozessautomatisierung, Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache und kognitivem Computing.

Entwickeln Sie die Fähigkeiten, Automatisierungsmöglichkeiten zu erkennen, die Machbarkeit zu bewerten und erfolgreiche Automatisierungsprojekte in Ihrem Unternehmen zu leiten.

Am Ende des Kurses verfügen Sie über das Wissen und die Werkzeuge, um die Leistungsfähigkeit der intelligenten Automatisierung zu nutzen und fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen, die Arbeitsabläufe optimieren und neue Ebenen der Effizienz und Innovation in Ihrem Unternehmen freisetzen.

Der Kurs ist Teil unseres FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Intelligent Automation (IA) Skills.

IT_Automazione intelligente per manager
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IT_Automazione intelligente per manager

In questo programma completo, acquisirai una profonda conoscenza delle tecnologie di automazione all'avanguardia e della loro implementazione strategica per semplificare i processi, migliorare la produttività e guidare la crescita aziendale.

Esplora le basi dell'intelligenza artificiale e dell'apprendimento automatico, insieme all'automazione dei processi robotici, all'elaborazione del linguaggio naturale e al calcolo cognitivo.

Sviluppa le competenze per identificare opportunità di automazione, valutare la fattibilità e condurre progetti di automazione di successo all'interno della tua organizzazione.

Alla fine del corso, sarai dotato delle conoscenze e degli strumenti per sfruttare la potenza dell'automazione intelligente, consentendoti di prendere decisioni informate che ottimizzano i flussi di lavoro e sbloccano nuovi livelli di efficienza e innovazione in tutta la tua azienda.

Il corso fa parte del nostro FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Intelligent Automation (IA) Skills.

IT_Governance algoritmica per i manager
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IT_Governance algoritmica per i manager

Questo corso online fornisce ai manager una comprensione completa dei principi di governance algoritmica.

I partecipanti approfondiranno l'intricata interazione tra tecnologia e processi decisionali all'interno delle organizzazioni moderne.

Il corso impartisce conoscenze sulla progettazione, implementazione e supervisione di sistemi algoritmici, sottolineando la trasparenza, la responsabilità e le considerazioni etiche.

Alla conclusione del corso, i partecipanti saranno in grado di affrontare le sfide e le opportunità associate alla governance algoritmica nei loro ruoli manageriali, favorendo un processo decisionale informato e responsabile.

Il corso fa parte del nostro FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Algorithmic Governance Skills

Game Theory
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Game Theory

This is an introductory course in Game theory applied to an international business setting. 

The course presents:

  • introductory notions about game theory (with evolution, definitions, components, classification, examples)
  • game theory applied in real case studies (the "dialogue" between the United Kingdom and the European Union regarding Brexit)
  • typical (books and journals) and atypical (movies and series) references related to game theory
  • exercises with strategies and options available in games

However, a rhetorical question remains at the end of the course, which could be discussed in-depth in a further section related to game theory, namely what would happen if "win" and "lose" are no longer the only options when fighting in a war?

Business oriented
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Διδάσκων: Alexandru Enciu



This introductory course examines blockchains for the enterprise and a number of pertinent use cases from Hyperledger, a global cross-industry community of communities hosted by The Linux Foundation and advancing business blockchain technologies. Hyperledger is incubating and promoting enterprise grade, open source business blockchain software, on top of which anyone can set up apps to meet cross-industry needs. The course covers key features of blockchain technologies and the differentiators between various types of Hyperledger projects. We'll start with 'what is blockchain' and open the discussion to identifying suitable blockchain use cases for your business requirements. We will then take a deep dive into the enterpriseready Hyperledger blockchain frameworks by guiding students through implementation of various blockchains. Industries today are using blockchain technologies to increase efficiency and solve business problems associated with data privacy, security, information sharing, and inclusion. Be on the cutting edge; learn about these innovative technologies and bring unique value to your business.

What is Smart contract?
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Διδάσκων: Elina Plane

What is Smart contract?

In this module, you will learn what is Smart Contract, who created it, what are the advantages of using it, and how it is already used in different industries.