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13 E-kolegiji

Intelligent Automation for
Industry based
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Industry based

Intelligent Automation for "Good"

Intelligent Automation for Good is an interdisciplinary course designed to explore the confluence of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation in addressing global challenges and promoting sustainable development. 

The course covers various facets of intelligent automation, such as robotics, machine learning, and data analytics, and investigates their applications in domains like healthcare, education, environmental conservation, and social welfare. 

Learning outcomes include the ability to critically analyze the ethical and social implications of intelligent automation, develop strategies for leveraging intelligent automation to achieve sustainable goals and comprehend the regulatory frameworks and best practices for responsible implementation of intelligent automation in various sectors.

The course is part of our FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Intelligent Automation (IA) Skills.

AI in Education
Industry based
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Industry based

AI in Education

This course explores the transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on education. 

Students will delve into the fundamental concepts of AI and its application in various educational settings, ranging from primary to higher education. 

Participants will learn how AI technologies can enhance personalized learning, optimize administrative tasks, and revolutionize educational assessment and feedback. 

This course equips learners with the knowledge and tools needed to harness the potential of AI to create innovative and inclusive learning experiences.

The course is part of our FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Algorithmic Governance Skills

Enhancement of the risk-based approach in AML through digital transformation
Industry based
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Industry based

Enhancement of the risk-based approach in AML through digital transformation

Enhancement of the Risk-Based Approach in Anti-Money Laundering (AML) through Digital Transformation is an advanced online course designed to equip AML professionals with cutting-edge knowledge and skills to tackle modern money laundering challenges. 

This program integrates digital technologies and data analytics to strengthen risk assessment and compliance practices. 

Participants will explore the latest advancements in machine learning, artificial intelligence, and blockchain, learning how to leverage these innovations to optimize risk identification, transaction monitoring, and customer due diligence processes. 

The course is part of our FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Digital Transformation Skills.

Introduction to Intelligent Automation for Entrepreneurs
Industry based
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Industry based

Introduction to Intelligent Automation for Entrepreneurs

This course is aimed at providing the basics of intelligent automation for entrepreneurs. 

The webinar by Zitec's Lucian Andrei explores the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning to automate various tasks in businesses. 

The course covers topics such as natural language processing, robotic process automation, optical character recognition, and predictive analytics. Participants will gain an understanding of the challenges and potential benefits of implementing automated processes in business.

The course is part of our FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Intelligent Automation (IA) Skills

Skills in Industry x.0
Industry based
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Industry based

Skills in Industry x.0

In this online course on Skills in Industry X.0, participants will gain comprehensive insights into the evolving landscape of Industry X.0 and its associated skill requirements. 

The course delves into the core concepts, principles, and practical applications that underpin the latest technological advancements shaping the industry. 

By the course's conclusion, participants will possess the essential skills necessary to excel in the dynamic and transformative Industry X.0 environment.

The course is part of our FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Digital Transformation Skills. 

HR_AI na obrazovanje
Industry based
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Industry based

HR_AI na obrazovanje

Ovaj tečaj istražuje transformativni učinak umjetne inteligencije (AI) na obrazovanje.

Studenti će proniknuti u temeljne koncepte umjetne inteligencije i njezinu primjenu u različitim obrazovnim okruženjima, od osnovnog do visokog obrazovanja.

Sudionici će naučiti kako AI tehnologije mogu poboljšati personalizirano učenje, optimizirati administrativne zadatke i revolucionirati obrazovnu procjenu i povratne informacije.

Ovaj tečaj oprema učenike znanjem i alatima potrebnim za iskorištavanje potencijala umjetne inteligencije za stvaranje inovativnih i uključivih iskustava učenja.

Tečaj je dio našeg FOReSiGHT Kit for Foreseeing and Integrating Intelligent Automation (IA) Skills.

Analysis of examples from blockchain technology application (case studies)
Industry based
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Nastavnik: Elina Plane

Analysis of examples from blockchain technology application (case studies)

In this module, you will learn in which cases the use of blockchain technology is useful, what are the benefits that this technology brings to companies and how blockchain technology is already used by companies in the finance, food, healthcare, entertainment and other sectors. 

The Use of Blockchain in Agritech- Cantine Volpone Business case
Industry based
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Nastavnik: Beatrice Carbonaro

The Use of Blockchain in Agritech- Cantine Volpone Business case

In the perception of managers the blockchain in the coming years will be useful above all for product traceability, document management and supply chain management. Interesting and in some ways unexpected the fourth place for the finance area. This means that the blockchain has (almost) released itself from bitcoin to be considered as a new opportunity for innovation in (almost) every business area. Still to illuminate and enhance logistics, which instead could have great advantages from the adoption of technology.

In this course, we will see the advantage of applying the Blockchain to agrifood sector, in particular in wine sector

Blockchain in Banking
Industry based
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Industry based

Blockchain in Banking

This intermediate course aims at presenting the applications of Blockchain in the banking industry. 

Topics covered:

- crowdfunding

- Peer-to-Peer transfers

- payment issues

- asset management aspects

- risk management in banks and blockchain

For a macroeconomic perspective, refer to the Blockchain in Finance course. For a general perspective on Risk Management, refer to the Blockchain for Risk Management. 

GR_Blockchain in Tourism Sector
Industry based
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Industry based

GR_Blockchain in Tourism Sector

Υπάρχουν διάφοροι τρόποι κατηγοριοποίησης των πιθανών εφαρμογών του blockchain στον κλάδο του τουρισμού και της φιλοξενίας. Παρακάτω θα παρουσιάσουμε διάφορες περιπτώσεις που μπορούν να προκύψουν από το blockchain που και εφαρμόζονται ήδη στον κλάδο του τουρισμού ή τουλάχιστον συζητούνται από ερευνητικής απόψεως. Παραδείγματα εφαρμογών blockchain στον κλάδο της φιλοξενίας περιλαμβάνουν τη διαχείριση αποθεμάτων, τη συντήρηση και παρακολούθηση, το περιεχόμενο των κρατήσεων και την έκδοση εισιτηρίων, τις πληρωμές και τη φορολογική συμμόρφωση, τα προγράμματα αφοσίωσης και το εξατομικευμένο μάρκετινγκ, την ταυτότητα, τη διαχείριση διαπιστευτηρίων και προστασία προσωπικών δεδομένων και την παρακολούθηση αποσκευών. Θα αναλύσουμε όλες αυτές τις διαφορετικές περιπτώσεις παρακάτω μια προς μία.

GR_Blockchain in Education
Industry based
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Industry based

GR_Blockchain in Education

Στο παρόν μάθημα θα αναφερθούμε στα οφέλη και στις εφαρμογές της Blockchain τεχνολογίας στην εκπαίδευση. Θα δούμε αναλυτικότερα, τη χρήση του Blockchain για μόνιμή ασφάλεια πιστοποιητικών, για επαλήθευση διαπίστευσης πολλαπλών βημάτων, για την αυτόματη αναγνώριση και μεταφορά πιστώσεων, ως διαβατήριο δια βίου μάθησης και την παροχή χρηματοδότησης στους φοιτητές μέσω blockhain τεχνολογίας στα πλαίσια voucher. 

Τέλος θα παραθέσουμε επιτυχημένα παραδείγματα της Blockchain τεχνολογίας στην εκπαίδευση σε διάφορες χώρες του κόσμου. 

LV_Blokķēdes tehnoloģijas izmantošana
Industry based
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Nastavnik: Elina Plane

LV_Blokķēdes tehnoloģijas izmantošana

Šajā kursā uzzināsi, kādos gadījumos blokķēdes tehnoloģijas izmantošana ir lietderīga, kādas priekšrocības tā sniedz uzņēmumiem, kā arī to, kā blokķēdes tehnoloģiju jau izmanto uzņēmumi finanšu, pārtikas, veselības aprūpes, izklaides un citu sektoru uzņēmumos. 

Blockchain for International Trade
Industry based
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Industry based

Blockchain for International Trade

This industry-focused course is dedicated to students and professionals interested in International Trade. 

It presents, at intermediate level, elements related to the impact blockchain has on international trade, particularly transactions. 

Topics covered:

- blockchain in logistics

- blockchain in supply chain management

- blockchain and trade finance

- blockchain and freight border procedures

For introductory elements, please refer to the beginner course Introduction to International Business 4.0